Exploring the Significance of A Fireplace | Historically & Today

Exploring the Significance of A Fireplace

Many people may have different reasons for wanting a fireplace in their home. Before the reasons for ambiance, there was a need for a fireplace. Every home had one, it was essential. Families cooked on it and it was their main home heating source. Times have changed and cooking may not be one of the reasons one has a fireplace now. As the years progressed, people desired a fireplace for the crackle and the coziness that one puts out. 

Wood burning fireplaces and stoves in Richmond ILWhat Makes A Fireplace Special?

  • Gathering place. Throughout the years a room with a fireplace has remained a focal point of any home. It is the room we use for celebrations, to enjoy holidays, and to decorate. This is a significant room and has remained that way throughout the years.
  •  Cooking. Most families may not use a fireplace for cooking nowadays, but years ago it was the main area used as a kitchen. Soups and stews would be on the tripod in a cast iron pot. Many meals were cooked this way, sometimes all day. Today, some families may still pop popcorn or toast marshmallows on the fire.
  • Ambiance. With the fire aglow, the room with the fireplace is a place to relax. A great book, a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine will do just fine. Grab a blanket and your slippers. A winter night spent sitting beside the fire is like no other. It is very relaxing.
  • Heating the home. Fireplaces are a great addition to your heating source. With the cost of electricity and oil, many folks are searching out other ways to heat their home. Folks are choosing wood as it is economical, and a fireplace can add to the warmth of your home. 

Fireplace Changes Over The Years

Fireplaces have come a long way. From wood-burning fireplaces to gas-lit ones, the development of different types and options has become very popular. Here are a few options you may like to explore.

  • Pellet stoves – This is a popular choice to heat your home. Although it is not a fireplace, it still has the ambiance of an open fire. This is a good source of heat and an economical choice.
  • Gas Fireplace – If you are looking for the ambiance of a fire, but don’t want all the work that may go into it, a gas fireplace would be ideal for you.
  • Inserts – A fireplace insert is a self-contained box that fits into your existing fireplace. An insert can be for burning wood, electric, or a wood pellet stove. 

outdoor fireplace installations in Janesville WIIf you would like some expert advice on upgrading or adding a fireplace or an alternative, contact Burlington Fireplace. We have the experts waiting to speak with you. 

We are a full-fledged, family-owned, and operated fireplace and chimney company proudly serving Southeastern Wisconsin since 1995. Fireplaces are our life, and we try our best to help everyone out with simple questions all the way to specifics of design and installation. We truly enjoy meeting and helping out each of our customers and would very much appreciate the chance to bring warmth and comfort to your home. Call us, we will be happy to meet with you.

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